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Forrester Consulting Study

The State Of Enterprise CRM Data Management 2021
Enterprises Must Invest In Security, Continuity, and Literacy to Realize the Strategic Value of CRM Data
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What do enterprise CRM leaders really think about data management? We decided to find out.

Odaseva commissioned Forrester Consulting to run a global study about enterprise CRM data management. Forrester surveyed enterprise CRM platform leaders and architects to explore the issues to the heart of CRM data management. Are they delivering the data value their stakeholders expect? Is CRM data helping to drive business decisions?

Their answers revealed CRM data management challenges and opportunities that everyone who cares about customer data should know about.

  • ​​85% say their organizations are prioritizing data insights for business decision-making
  • 78% say that gaps in their basic data management prevent them taking full advantage of their data
  • 80% say data security issues limit their ability to make use of data to address critical business priorities

Interested? Get the full study now.

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About Odaseva

Odaseva is the leading Enterprise Data Platform for Salesforce, offering powerful tools to keep Salesforce data protected, compliant, and agile. Industry leaders like Schneider Electric and Manulife rely on Odaseva to ensure business continuity, respect customers and regulators, and move Salesforce data to any system—with the strongest security, performance, and expertise available. Learn more at odaseva.com.